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News from the Principal

Beau J. Snow, EHS Principal


Beau J. Snow
EHS Principal





Hello, Bulldogs!

We can’t wait to start working with you again!  We are living through some challenging and crazy times.  As we all learn to navigate through the year I’m going to offer you the same challenge that I put in front of our staff - We are living in unprecedented times, so let’s have an unprecedented year!  Let’s challenge ourselves to be great, let’s challenge ourselves to do things we’ve never done and to learn in ways we’ve never considered.  We are looking forward to bringing students safely back into the building as soon as possible.

Together we are going to do great things this year.  We understand that it’s going to look A LOT  different than anything anyone has ever attempted and we will all need to extend a little grace to everyone we work with, but let’s have some FUN doing things differently!

The EHS administration team is committed to weekly video updates on what you can expect during the week and to keep students and parents up to date if any information needs to be shared. If you aren’t already following please find us on Facebook, and or Instagram to stay up to date with EHS news!

It’s going to be a great year, different but great!

Go Dawgs!!

Beau J. Snow