There has been a lot of publicity this academic year regarding the topic of Cell Phones and schools. Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction released a statement earlier this year that outlined requirements for Schools starting in the 2025-2026 school year.
Our current EHS policy meets the expectations that are set forth by the State Superintendent. Over the years adherence to our policy by staff and students has lessened its effectiveness to keep devices from interfering with learning.
At the start of semester 2 (Starting January 28th) we are asking staff and students to recommit to our current policy so that cell phones and air pods are less of a distraction to students during class.
Our current policy is that if a student has their phone out during class, the phone will be confiscated by the teacher and delivered to the main office.
Students also may be provided the opportunity to store their phone in a caddy that is mounted to the door or the wall in a classroom.
In addition to this we are going to ask students to put air pods away during class as well to minimize the distraction. The only exception to this is if the student has that accommodation on their IEP or 504.
Students WILL BE ABLE TO access their phone during passing times, during lunch, and before and after school.
Our goal is to minimize the distractions to learning that cell phones clearly cause for students. Thank you for your support in this endeavor.